Payment Methods Biz API

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Version History

Version | Publisher | Description

1.0.17 | Priy Ranjan | Updated Data Model: Added contact array (optional), Updated library and traits, Added example

1.0.18 | GET - retrievePaymentMethods: Added & example

1.0.19__\_______ | Added enums_

1.0.22 | Wysh | Added query param in Get payment methods

1.0.23__\_______ | Gopal Katakam | Added get, patch, delete operations for payment Methods as part of Peacock project requirement_

1.0.24__\_____ | Gopal Katakam | updated the queryParameters as accountId for paymentMethod DELETE operation_

1.0.25__\_____ | Kadambini Chandel | Updated market specific responses for get:/paymentMethod for eCom-JM,PA,PR and CR markets_

1.0.29 | Gopal Katakam | Added the updated request & response payloads for post:/paymetMethod & patch:/paymentMethod/{id} for Peacock Project requirement QA-22424

1.0.34 | Gopal Katakam | Added versioning v4 for all existed resources and to be removed version from base path as part of Peacock Project requirement
